The Iberian Lynx

In 2013, it was calculated that just there were left only two isolated populations in Andalusia, each one with a total of around three hundred individuals on the rise, plus other one of about fifteen in the Mountains of Toledo. It is the most threatened of the feline species in the world.
In 2018, it was estimated a population of six hundred copies at liberty. The population is mainly distributed for Andalusia, Castilla-La Mancha and apparently Madrid.
Imagen relacionadaBut no everything in the situation of the lynxes is about deaths or abuses. Fortunately, there are some good news. For example, thanks to an intense campaign led out in the last years, the population has grown considerably.It is calculated that, the last years, 327 lynxes lived already in a traveling between the south, the west and the central area in Spain, as well as in parts of Portugal . We are in the way to save the specie.
"Lose this natural treasure would be like to lose the tower Eiffel" and even worse.
Some of this information has been taken of wikipedia.


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