FUNCO Statutes
We want to give you some information about FUNCO. Here we have collected a piece of our statutes and you are going to see them next: What for? Our goal is to get fewer endangered animals in the world. We also want to increase our knowledge about animals and cooperate with other associations. What is it? FUNCO is a NGO that has been created by some children of 5º grade of the Primary School CEIP La Senda in Cabanillas del Campo (Guadalajara - Spain). Main goal: Getting fewer animals exposed to dangerous situations and, at the same time, we want to have fun. Rules: We have to do team work, using an appropiate voice tone and respecting one another. What do we want to get with this project? We pursue to reduce the number of endangered animals in one year. We don't achieve too much so far, but with your help we will get big aims. Thank you very much for your attention. Signed by management, financial and logistic department.🐅🐆🐍🐢🐴🐗